Microsoft ringer aldrig til dig
Der florerer mange historier om telefonopringninger fra nogen, der udgiver sig for at repræsentere Microsoft. Selv om de fleste forhåbentlig ved, at nogen er i gang med at franarre dem penge, skal der nok være nogen, som bliver forskrækket over sådan en opringning.Bagmændene bliver imidlertid mere og mere snedige. Det fortæller denne historie, som en af mine gamle kollegaer, Eric Reiss, lagde ud på Facebook i dag. Han er amerikaner, så han skrev sin opdatering på engelsk:
This morning, I received a curious call on our private phone. A woman with a strong Hindustani accent and call-center noise in the background informed me that she was calling from Microsoft and that my computer was sending them many error messages indicating that my computer was infected with a dangerous virus. I hung up. But then...
Only minutes later, I was called by her "supervisor," who claimed that they were Microsoft, operating out of offices in Florida, although the accent again was Hindustani. I told him I didn't believe who he was and not to call this number again.
Minutes later, he called back, so I decided to play along a bit. When he was going to provide "proof" that he really was from Microsoft and requested that I download TeamViewer, a computer-sharing program, I hung up for the third time. And then...
I was called again by HIS supervisor, (this time with lots of Hindi chatter in the background) who was mad that I didn't appreciate the seriousness of the problem and that I was "...a stupid little man. You have been hacked by cybercriminals. If you do not listen to me and do what I say, you are probably a cyber criminal yourself. And Microsoft will shut down your computer in just a few hours."
Apparently this is an old scam in the U.S., but it's the first time I've experienced it in Denmark. Very entertaining.
Behøver jeg at tilføje, at hans computer selvfølgelig ikke blev lukket ned.....